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Fall Brookline Stoneware with upside down cake cinnamon and apples.

Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake

Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake Serve this warm Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake à la Mode for a crowd-pleasing finish to a delicious meal on a cool winter day. Much like the summer version (Pineapple Upside Down Cake), this dessert not only tastes great, it

Irish Lace Shortbread Pan — Shortbread for St. Patrick's Day

Irish Lace Shortbread Pan — Shortbread for St. Patrick’s Day

Each year on March 17, people across the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in their own way — honoring the legacy of St. Patrick, who is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, or just enjoying Irish-themed food, drink, and entertainment. Many families sit down together

Summertime Peanut Shortbread

Summertime Peanut Shortbread

Guest Post from Lucy Natkiel of Brown Bag Designs. Creator of Brown Bag Shortbread Pans and Cookie Molds. I’m retired. I keep telling people that. But the information seems to bounce right off of several shortbread aficionados I know. Particularly my friend Rox. “I neeeeed